Can you please tell us a little bit about your
background and the background to Icatchers neon?
I trained as a neon glass blower over 25 years ago
and my work was based on commercial signage which
helped Icatchers grow into a successful business.
Now my work is primarily based on bespoke art.
Why does neon hold such a fascination for us and
why is it so evocative or retro, nostalgia and
Neon, which was first demonstrated in a modern form
in December, 1910 by Georges Clause at the Paris
Motor Show, was so eye-catching and enchanting.
While they are used worldwide, neon signs were
extremely popular in the United States from about
1920–1960. The installations in Times Square
were famed, and there were nearly 2,000 small shops
producing neon signs by 1940. Now, of course,
people are so interested in retro and vintage
styles that they want to preserve the old neon
signs or design their own.
What are your most popular lines and what sort of
comments do you get from clients?
The most popular pieces I have produced are the
slightly more illustrious and provocative work.
After displaying this wall art within numerous
galleries the comments are positive with an
element of intrigue.

Icatchers are going to be appearing at Vintage
Goodwood, albeit at the South Bank, in 2011. Can
you tell us a little about that?
I will be exhibiting some art work which, through
collaborating with Gary Hutchins, from Hutchins
Guitars, we have produced. They are amazing examples with a
modern twist to the guitar form resulting in a
stunning, eye catching pieces. These are sure to
light up any room with their unique glow and
attention-grabbing themes, some of which are based
around the vintage era.
The sculptures are amazing. What gives you the
inspiration and where do you get the ideas?
My inspiration comes to me in many different
forms. Music and the ‘MOD’ era being my first
love. Many ideas are born from that.
What about the neon guitars - what are people
saying about them and what sorts of people are
buying them?
The Neon Guitars are really grabbing people's
attention. The variety and possibilities for
themes are endless. Superstars within the rock
music world are already expressing an interest in
perhaps acquiring their own personal neon guitar.

If somebody is considering buying or investing in
neon then what should they consider?
Initially the design of the piece is important and
I produce my work to a very high standard and as
near to the customer’s requirements as I
possibly can. They need to have the right place to
hang the art work or sign and they need to realise
that this will last a very long time. So spending
time on the initial plans will be paramount.
What gives you most pleasure about what you do?
I get my greatest pleasure from gathering people's
thoughts and ideas and putting them into a design
which will capture their hearts. To see the
finished product hanging on the wall and the
response from clients gives me a lot of
What are your plans for Icatchers in the future?
Icatchers is growing by the month and the
introduction of Guitar Art is going to carry it to
different heights. All the other art pieces and
signage will continue to be a large part of
Icatchers. And with mentions in magazines such as
Vogue and Self build, a personal documentary being
shown on cable TV, collaborations with Wayne
Hemmingway and Milliner to the stars, Piers
Atkinson, as well as guitar pieces commissioned by
Gary Hutchins, the future for Icatchers neon is
certainly very bright.