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AVA Online 


Rejuvenate your turntable with a new stylus. We can supply styli (otherwise known as needles) for practically all makes of record player and turntable.


AVA Online 


For a great nostalgia trip, or to renew acquaintance with your beloved LP's, why not dust off the old turntable, renew the stylus and enjoy the long forgotten rich warm sound of analogue music.
We supply 100's of different styli (needles if you prefer) for record players going back to the 50's and even earlier. For those of you who resisted the temptation to melt your old 10" 78's into fruit bowls we can supply needles with suitable tips and even steel needles for the odd museum piece.
With more years experience than we care to think about, we can help you re-live that wonderful vinyl experience.


Contact Details:

e-mail address -

Tel. 01803 873104


 For more information go to:

AVA Online 






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